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Product Update: Vulnerability & Threat Hunting

1 min read
September 5, 2024
By: Robbin Begeer
By: Robbin Begeer
5 September 2024

In this blog, we interview Robbin Begeer, Product Manager at Eye Security, about the latest updates to Eye Security's Vulnerability and Threat Hunting service.

Threat Hunting Eye PortalWhat's this update all about?

"In short, this is about Vulnerability & Threat Hunting. Some context first: as part of our customers' standard Managed Detection and Response service, we carry out Vulnerability & Threat Hunting. Our Threat Hunting team - made up of cyber specialists - regularly investigates new critical vulnerabilities. After that, they determine the potential impact, check whether customer systems are affected and provide remediation advice to help fix the weakness."

Why is that important?

"Most businesses know that exploiting vulnerabilities is a common way for attackers to access their IT systems. Bad actors continuously scan the internet, looking for weak assets they can target. But, the number of vulnerabilities that are discovered (over 26k in 2023 alone - see fig. 1) and the speed at which they are exploited (usually in just one day - see fig. 1) mean that businesses need to patch exploitable vulnerabilities as soon as possible, so attackers won't get a chance to abuse them. This is a huge workload for internal IT teams to keep on top of."

CVE Vulnerability blog fig 1_ENFig 1: 

What's changed?

"We are happy to announce that the results of new critical vulnerability investigations, including tailored remediation guidance, can be accessed via the Eye Portal. The Eye Portal shows which vulnerabilities were investigated by our experts, their verdict, if any of our customers’ assets were affected and if so, what they should do."

How does that help you?

"Along with our Attack Surface Insights and Recommendations (also available on the Eye Portal), it provides customers with a continuous flow of timely insights to improve their security posture, so that they can make informed decisions about where to invest their time and money."

Where can you find more information?

  • Customers: Log in with your Eye Portal account and go to 'Vulnerability & Threat Hunting' to explore this new view.
  • Prospects: Click below to request a call with one of our sales representatives.


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