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8Base Ransomware Recovery: Key and File Retrieval

5 min read
February 20, 2025
By: Eye Security Incident Response Team
ransomware recovery case
By: Eye Security Incident Response Team
10 March 2025

The Eye Security Incident Response team was recently engaged to investigate a ransomware incident that we attributed to the 8base ransomware group. We quickly discovered that the encryptor was still running on some hosts. So we decided to find out whether a memory dump of the process would provide us with sufficient information to recover the encryption keys.  

We came very close and, if we had been engaged slightly earlier, before the encryption process was completed, we would likely have succeeded. Below, we outline the steps and those necessary for success if we had been engaged earlier.  

A closer look at the 8Base encryption process 

The files are fully encrypted if they are less than 1.5 MB, but for larger files, only three chunks of 256 KB are encrypted. These are the first and last 256 KB and a 256 KB chunk in the middle of the file.  

This is a common tactic to maximise damage and reduce the chances of file recovery while increasing encryption speed and minimising the chance of detection. The beginning and end of a file contain critical headers, metadata, format information and index tables. Without these, the file is likely useless. However, certain tools could still recover some information in specific file types, so the ransomware encrypts a random chunk of data in the middle of the file. This disrupts its structure and integrity.     

The key creation process in this 8Base ransomware attack 

The malware generates a new (pair of) AES key(s) for each drive or share it tries to encrypt. This random generator has already been attacked by CERT Polska with limited success (see "A Tale of Phobos: How We almost Cracked a Ransomware Using CUDA"). Therefore, it seems unlikely that we would have been able to brute-force the AES keys.  

Each key is then encrypted using an RSA public key. The encrypted data also includes the volume serial number of the system drive and an identifier. This allows the threat actor to selectively release the AES keys for specific systems. 

struct rsa_encrypted_data {
   char key[32];
   int volume_serial_nr;
   int identifier; // config variable 1


After both keys are created, they are combined into one structure, which also contains a CRC checksum. This checksum is calculated via the concatenation of both keys, as evident from the code below. 

If the AES key is still present in the memory, we should find a structure with the following shape: 

struct key_combo {
    char aes_key[32];
    char rsa_encrypted_aes_key[128];
    int crc_checksum;

Challenges to recovering the encryption keys from the memory

To search the raw memory dump, we used the following Python script to detect this structure:

# data is raw memory dump
import struct,zlib
for i in range(len(data)-128-32-4):
    mem_crc = struct.unpack('I',data[i+32+128:i+32+128+4])
    calc_crc = zlib.crc32(data[i:i+32+128])
    if mem_crc == calc_crc:
         print(f'Found aes key: {data[i:i+32]}')


Unfortunately, we could not locate the keys as they had been zeroed out directly after the malware finished encrypting a drive. This had left us with an extremely short window when they were available. 

The alternative outcome – decrypting the files  

The customer’s environment was fully recovered. You can read about it in our recent article "8Base Ransomware Investigation Uncovers Surprising Insights". But this process would have been somewhat different had we been able to recover the keys. Here are the steps we would have taken for file recovery.  

At the end of each encrypted file, two data structures were added. The first one is encrypted metadata, and the last one is a plaintext footer. To recover the file, we start by reading the plaintext footer at the end of the file. This contains the information needed to find and decrypt the encrypted metadata. Here is the structure:   

struct __declspec(align(1)) phobos_file_footer {
    char always_zero[20];
    char iv[16];
    int padding_size;
    char rsa_encrypted_part[128];
    int metadata_offset;
    char attacker_id[6];


The most important field is metadata_offset, which is an offset from the end of the file to its encrypted metadata. This can be decrypted using the recovered AES key and the iv from the footer with AES-256 in CBC mode. This reveals the following structure. 

struct phobos_file_metadata {
     int always_zero;
     int encryption_mode;
     int magic;
     int nr_chunks;
     int chunk_len;
     int crc_checksum;
     int orig_filename_offset; //offset from start of structure phobos_file_metadata
     int padding;
     //chunks for large files only if encryption mode == 1
     LARGE_INTEGER chunk_offsets[nr_chunks];
     char chunk_data[nr_chunks][chunk_len];


The most important field is the encryption_mode. Mode 1 is chunked, for files larger than 1.5MB and has a magic value of 0xAF77BC0F. Mode 2 is whole file encryption and has a magic value of 0xF0A75E12. 

For fully encrypted files (mode 2), use the same AES key and initialisation vector to decrypt them. Remove the footer, metadata and the last few bytes of padding using the padding_size field. 

For large files (mode 1), the data is included in the structure. To restore the file, seek to chunk_offsets[idx] and write chunk_data[idx] at that offset. And of course, also remove the metadata and footer at the end of the file. 

Effective ransomware recovery: lessons from the 8Base case

Had we been engaged in this process earlier, we would have caught the encryption process before it was completed and destroyed the keys. The file recovery would have been simpler. Also, securing user accounts with strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication would have mitigated the very risk of initial access by the threat actors and ransomware deployment. Fortunately, as you will see from the incident recovery writeup, we restored the customer environment with minimal downtime. 

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What is ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that encrypts a victim’s files or locks their device and demands a ransom in exchange for the decryption key or unlock code. Ransomware attacks can be devastating, causing significant financial losses and disruption to businesses and individuals. In recent years, ransomware has become a major threat to cybersecurity, with various groups and individuals using it to extort money from victims. These attacks often target critical data, making it inaccessible until the ransom is paid, which can cripple operations and lead to significant downtime.

What is the 8Base ransomware group?

The 8Base ransomware group is a collective of cybercriminals that initiated its operations in April 2022. Known for their aggressive strategies and significant impact on victims, they primarily target small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across various sectors, including business services, retail, finance, manufacturing, and information technology. Researchers have noted a linguistic resemblance between 8Base and RansomHouse, suggesting a potential connection. The group’s rapid rise in activity has made them a notable force within the ransomware landscape.

The 8Base ransomware group has been linked to several high-profile attacks, including the disruption of a major manufacturing company’s operations and the theft of sensitive data from a healthcare organisation. Their use of double extortion tactics, which involves threatening to disclose encrypted files unless the ransom is met, has been particularly effective in coercing victims into paying the ransom. One of the techniques used by 8Base ransomware to prevent recovery is the deletion of Volume Shadow Copies, which are essential for restoring previous versions of files.

Law enforcement agencies, including the National Crime Agency, have been involved in efforts to disrupt the 8Base ransomware operation. In February 2025, authorities disrupted the group’s infrastructure and arrested several individuals tied to the operation. This coordinated effort was supported by authorities in Belgium, USA, UK, Spain, Thailand, Singapore, Romania, and several other countries. The United States has also indicted individuals tied to the PHOBOS/8Base operation, including those associated with “Affiliate 2803” platforms.

The origins of the 8Base ransomware group remain elusive, but their communication channels, including their DLS site (onion), Twitter page, and Telegram official group, have been used to direct users to their official platforms. The group’s use of encrypted data and initial access brokers has made it challenging for law enforcement agencies to track their activities. However, the recent arrests and disruptions to their operation have dealt a significant blow to the group’s activities.

How does 8Base ransomware work?

8Base ransomware is a sophisticated type of malware that employs advanced encryption techniques to lock victims’ files and demand a ransom. The malware typically gains initial access to a victim’s system through phishing emails or initial access brokers, who sell access to a company’s network on the Dark Web. Once inside the system, the malware uses various techniques to evade detection, establish persistence, and prevent data recovery. It encrypts files using AES-256 in CBC mode and appends the .8base extension to the encrypted files. This unique file extension serves as an identifier and is a crucial part of the ransomware's encryption technique.

In addition to encrypting data, the malware also attempts to steal confidential data from infected machines. The ransomware also employs techniques such as disabling recovery mode to prevent victims from recovering their systems. After the encryption process and data exfiltration are complete, the malware presents a ransom demand to the owner of the infected device. If the ransom is not paid, the 8Base ransomware group threatens to expose the stolen sensitive information, leveraging double extortion tactics to coerce victims into paying the ransom.

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